Wellness - A dynamic process

Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.
Unfortunately, there is not a universally accepted definition of wellness. In fact, that is the one thing that all leading experts agree on. Why? Just look at the following definitions of wellness below.
Wellness is…
“The quality or state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought goal.” – Merriam-Webster
“The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” – Oxford Dictionaries
“The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.” – Dictionary.com
“A multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being.” – definitionofwellness.com
“An active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.” – National Wellness Institute
“An active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.” – UC Davis
“The condition of being healthy” – Cambridge Dictionary
As you can see, wellness is broadly defined. However, there are several similar components to each definition.
Wellness is something that you choose to pursue. It’s a choice you make in life that requires constant effort to achieve.
While associated with a healthy lifestyle, wellness goes beyond the confines of general health. It encompasses a positive outlook on your mind, body, and soul and is something we often have more control over than health.
Wellness has various dimensions and can be viewed as a quality, state, or process.
Overall, the word wellness may appear complex. I’m here to tell you it shouldn’t be. In a nutshell, you should think of wellness as a series of positive choices you make to live your life to the fullest!

What is the difference between physical and wellness?
1. Health is a state of physical and mental well-being while wellness is gaining a general balance in all six health dimensions. 2. Wellness is more of a way of life or lifestyle that seeks to maintain the right balance of all health dimensions. 3. Health is more of a goal or an end that should be achieved as opposed to wellness.

"Wellness is the result of personal initiative, seeking a more optimal, holistic and balanced state of health and well-being across multiple dimensions."
~ John Valenty, CEO of Wellness.com
Wellness Dimensions
Wellness involves the awareness of our current state of health in multiple dimensions with the initiative, tools, and support to make lasting changes toward a more optimal life.

The primary top-level dimensions of wellness are mental, physical, spiritual, social, and lifestyle. Each primary dimension of wellness includes multiple sub-dimensions.
Wellness Dimensions

Mental Wellness The mental dimension of wellness includes developing a healthy personal philosophy, maintaining a learning aptitude, and establishing a base of useful knowledge.
Each individual needs a dynamic balance of multidimensional health and methods to move us closer to wellness amidst the myriad of life situations, uncertainty, struggles, goals, and hardships.
Multi-dimensional balance is not an objective in itself, as a more positive impact would be likely from discovering where severe imbalances might be a problem and when imbalances may be necessary at different times.

A college student, a new mother, or an entrepreneur may not be able to afford to pursue a balance of social or physical potential for some time.
Mental Wellness
The mental dimension of wellness includes developing a healthy personal philosophy, maintaining a learning aptitude, and establishing a base of useful knowledge.
Learning Aptitude

Physical Wellness
The physical dimension of wellness includes our overall physical health, physical fitness, and appearance. Starting with physical health, a wellness approach would not be to simply avoid sickness and disease but to know that our health is always fleeting and our body is always under attack.
The wellness approach would be to take preventative measures to optimize the performance of our immune systems, minimize exposure to toxins, identify allergies, eat mostly natural and organic foods, drink plenty of clean water, maintain a healthy percentage of body fat and lean muscle mass while developing and maintaining strength and flexibility.

While you may think you are healthy, it is entirely possible to get so used to feeling how you are feeling that you don't realize how much better you could feel and your body performs.
Physical Health
Physical Fitness
Physical Appearance

Spiritual WellnessThe spiritual dimension of wellness includes becoming aware of our life's purpose, developing our innate gifts and positively using our talents, and getting in touch with our spirituality. Operating "on purpose" and using our talents can be spiritually lifting and tremendously positive as compared to merely getting by, pleasing others, or surviving.
Getting in touch with our spirituality can imply a greater sense of awareness, more presence, feelings of connectedness, and taking time to do things soothing to the soul. Our spirituality can also be expressed in connectedness with a universal higher power that we cannot entirely explain but may still feel very much part of.
Life Purpose
Innate Gifts/Talents

Social Wellness
The social dimension of wellness includes the careful creation and maintenance of healthy and positive relationships, our contribution and involvement in the community, and our impact on our surroundings or environment at large.
The quality of our relationships with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers can have a dramatic effect on our wellness. All of us are faced with daily decisions as to which relationships to foster, invest and grow and which ones to minimize, avoid, or end. Since we cannot control others, we can only make investments in the best relationships and be strong to avoid the needy destructive ones that detract from our wellness.

Our involvement in the community and our effect on our surroundings and environment may or may not be a major factor in our wellness by our own definition of what is important to us. With that said, a wellness approach would be to contribute where we can, while improving and protecting our environment to the best of our ability.

Lifestyle Wellness
The lifestyle dimension of wellness includes our work and workplace, our leisure time, and our home environment. As most of us will spend more than half our lives at work, what we do at work matters immensely to our wellness.
There's an old saying that goes; "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." Those who love what they do can tell you there's plenty of truth to the saying. Another aspect of lifestyle is our finances. If we're not living within our means or are riddled with debt, our lifestyle choices can become our downfall.

Our leisure time is another aspect of our wellness that we can control or at least chose wisely so that at any given time we can look back and easily recall a good balance of enjoyment, relaxation time and play. And finally, there's the home environment. Our home, the surrounding area we live in, our shopping habits, and many other aspects can make up a great lifestyle without detracting from our personal or family wellness and in fact, tends to lead to a generally happy and healthy life.
Reaching a particular level of health and life satisfaction that we defined for ourselves in each dimension could also be considered as achieving Wellness. It is different for everyone.
How do you assess your own wellness?
Do you have a positive learning aptitude?
Do you eat mostly natural, unprocessed food whenever possible?
Do you seek preventative, natural, alternative, and holistic therapies over chemicals?
Do you exercise at least 3 times per week?
Are you making enough time each day to relax, reflect, sleep, and renew yourself?
Have you dissolved destructive relationships?
Are you prepared for the possibility of a natural or unnatural disaster?

About Wellness
Feel Better, Be Happy, and Live Longer. 
Wellness Exists to Help People Feel Better, Be Happy and Live Longer by connecting them with the best health and wellness information and resources on the web. Interactive visitor surveys and user reviews make the best content, resources, and providers stand out above the rest.
It is widely accepted that wellness cannot be bought or acquired passively. Wellness is proactively experienced through the pursuit of a lifestyle that results in optimal health and happiness.
The term health is more often identified with the passive state of being disease-free or the reactive state of having a health condition. Conceptually, a person could avoid the obvious lifestyle pitfalls and with a little luck still have their health at a particular age. Wellness, on the other hand, requires a proactive and informed pursuit.
People want to improve their health and happiness, but with all of life's options and distractions, it is difficult to know what to do, who to trust, or where to start. Even people who are already healthy and happy can benefit from additional support, tools, and motivation to pursue what they really want out of life.

Seeking best answers.
Wellness.com helps people learn the best practices for living an exceptional life while avoiding the pitfalls learned from the experiences of others.

Connecting like-minded people.
Wellness.com provides a social networking community for like-minded people and subject matter experts to connect and communicate with each other in a fun and useful way.

Creating the ultimate Wellness knowledge base.
Wellness.com selectively captures and reports the top health and happiness pursuits around the world with tips, experiences, and recommendations from the community on how to achieve the results people are looking for.

Wellness.com was founded by people intimately familiar with the myriad of commercially promoted solutions to health and happiness. While many products and services have been economically successful over the years, few truly deliver a fraction of the benefits they imply. Wellness.com will help consumers make more informed buying decisions and will help keep skillful marketers a little more honest in their tactics. It will also help the global community determine together what wellness is and precisely the best way to increase or achieve it for each individual.

Why is wellness important? Wellness is important because it impacts so many areas of life. Honestly, everyone wants to live their life to the fullest potential. Unfortunately, this is not easy. Life often comes with challenges and things we can’t control. Fortunately for you, optimizing your overall well-being is something you can do. Upon doing so, you’ll notice significant benefits, both personally and professionally.
The importance of personal wellness
Personal wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to thrive in your personal life. In fact, balancing all that life has to offer is easier when you have a personal wellness plan. Doing so helps you best succeed in life as well as challenges you to grow into the best version of yourself!

The importance of professional wellness, on the other hand, professional wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to grow in your career. Employers that offer wellness programs find they’re able to improve the overall health and well-being of their employees. This leads to happier employees that spend less money on healthcare and more time being productive in their careers.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.
"...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
- The World Health Organization
"a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential."
- The National Wellness Institute

Why Wellness MattersMaintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, everyone needs to achieve optimal wellness to suto, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

WELLNESS CONCEPTthe idea that health care programs ought to be actively engaged in the support of wellness, seen as a dynamic state of physical, cognitive, and social well-being, instead of just regarding the remediation and prevention of disease. Wellness is seen as the outcome of four key aspects over which a person has some management: environment, lifestyle, health care establishment, and human biology.

"Doctors are beginning to adopt wellness concepts of promoting healthy lifestyle habits such as good nutrition and exercise. "
At-home Speech Therapy Tips for Children
With a little creativity and imagination, parents can incorporate speech therapy into any number of fun activities in and around the home. Blend therapy techniques into daily activities or establish special family game nights.

Articulation Screeners
Many different no-cost articulation screener apps are designed for parents, educators, and therapists to determine what sounds a child might be having difficulty pronouncing. The screeners feature a large selection of common words that use consonants and vowels at the beginning, middle, and on the end of words. By having a child repeat each word, parents determine which sounds a child needs to practice. Some apps additionally feature a helpful guideline that shares at what age a child should master certain sounds.

Play Dough Charades
Write words describing objects on pieces of paper having specific consonants or vowels. Put the words in a bowl. Let each person pick a word and create that object out of play dough. Everyone else must guess what the dough represents. Whoever guesses correctly gets a point. Using the word in a sentence scores a bonus point. Play for a designated amount of time or set a point limit to determine the final winner.

Word Hide-and-Seek
Hide vocabulary word cards in designated places throughout the house. Challenge the kids to find as many cards as possible. Whoever finds the most cards wins. However, award points based on saying the words correctly. Older kids especially may enjoy playing a nighttime version of the game with flashlights.

The Sound Game
This game can be played at home, in the car, or virtually anywhere as the activity does not require any objects or tools. Start the game by coming up with a word that starts with a particular consonant or has a specific vowel sound. Everyone must then take turns thinking of another word with the required sound. The round ends when a person is stumped. The last person to think of a word may then choose the next sound.

Word Basketball
Write practice words on pieces of paper. Beneath each word write the number that represents the number of syllables in that word. Crumple the papers into balls. Let a child choose a ball, open the paper and say the word. The child then crumples the paper back into a ball and tries to throw the ball into a basket. If he or she succeeds, they get a point for each syllable that the word contains. Divide kids into teams and keep score.

Three Ways To Increase Focus

With all the things on our plates that we have to deal with every day, it can become easy to get distracted. Our society is so fast-paced that at times it can seem difficult to see the bigger picture.
Since some things in life aren’t immediate, it can be easy to get sidetracked in our responsibilities, goals, and directions as individuals. It happens to us all but the beautiful thing is that the universe provides each of us with unlimited opportunity, so you can always increase and improve your focus.

1. Remove Distractions
Don’t be afraid of letting go of whatever is not working for you.  Whether it is an emotional choice, a pattern of thought, or a task in your daily routine, releasing anything that is not ultimately working in your favor is a great way to remove distractions. Taking time in a quiet environment to introspect and determine what are your biggest distractions will make it easier to remain focused.
Increasing your interpersonal communication skills by taking time away from the internet and social media is also an important way to improve focus. According to Harvard Medical School, learning how to paraphrase in communication can benefit an individual’s focus.
Paraphrasing is a way of reinforcing understanding by echoing the information back to the initiator of the communication. For example, if your boss says, “I need this completed by 4:30 today.” You can implement paraphrasing by responding, “I understand this needs to be completed by 4:30 today, I’ll make it my priority.” Paraphrasing can also help you to stay present and more effective in communication.

2. Keep Your Eyes On The Prize
Keep focused on what is most important to you. Realize that we are all connected. We go through the same things, want the same things, and all deal with the same things. Keep true to your priorities and intentions behind them. To successfully remain focused on the bigger picture, try to find a balance between your personal and professional life. Neglecting yourself personally can lead to poor decision-making, less creativity, and ineffective work.
Writing down your goals, to-do lists, and even affirmations are great ways to increase focus on the bigger picture. Implementing better time management in everyday life like taking the most difficult of tasks and completing them first is one way to keep a better focus.

3. Slow Down And Refocus
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by our consistently fast-paced society. Life can sometimes seem like a constant barrage of information and activity. On average a person sees 3,000 to 20,000 marketing messages a day, spends about 2 hours a day on social media, and has an attention span of 8 seconds. It can be essential to healthy well-being to slow down, take a step back, and release control.

One of the best ways to center yourself and regain focus is to allow some time for mindfulness activities like meditation and visualizations. Since our focus can affect many aspects of life, such as our relationships, career, and health- learn to take it easy on yourself. Allow time to practice activities that promote self-contentment. Connecting with nature, exercising, or working with crystals can help with all the over-stimulation we all deal with every day.

10 Ways To Get Out Of Your Head

We all get in our heads in one way or another – you know, that little voice that whispers in our ear that can say a lot of mean things like…You’re not good enough. No one likes you. You’ll never get anywhere.
It can start from the comparison game, a comment you made that didn’t come out the way you intended or for some of us, we can just wake up with our minds racing. After many years of struggling with anxiety and depression, I have worked really, really hard to keep that voice quiet and listen to a new voice instead. But it’s not always the new voice that wins, so I’ve put together ten ways that help me get out of my head.

Change the Voice
Replace that mean, nagging voice with a new one  – one filled with self-love and gratitude. Repeat the following statements to yourself. Perhaps even record yourself speaking them aloud and listening back.
I am not these thoughts
These thoughts and emotions will pass
I am not alone
I am strong
I am capable
I am loved
I am grateful
I am resilient
I am enough
Write it Out
What’s on your mind? Making a list of what is in your control versus out of your control is incredibly helpful, as well. Let out your worries, fears, and general musings by putting the pen to paper.

Talk With Your Safe People
Share your thoughts with those that make you feel safe – whether it be a trusted friend, your partner, or your therapist. Find that person that you can be completely candid with. Most of the time we’re not looking for advice, but rather someone who will simply listen.

Create Anything
From coloring, doodling, knitting, cooking, or baking, working with your hands to create gives you something to focus on and a tangible finished product to be proud of.

Care for Another Living Thing
Whether it’s your cat, guinea pig, or plant, caring for something else that depends on you gives you a sense of purpose. Not to mention the added benefit of the love and companionship you receive in return!

Move Your Body
This has taken a new meaning for me over the last several months. If going for a run or walk is not accessible to you, try small movements – even from bed – like neck, shoulder, wrist, and ankle rolls. My favorite, when able, is to go on a walk with the dogs or get on my mat for a gentle yoga practice, which can vary from the restorative heart and hip openers to slow-paced modified vinyasa.

Deep Breaths and Fresh Air
Meditating is a wonderful way to quiet the mind, but it can be hard to do when thoughts are racing. Your meditation does not have to be long or guided. It can be as simple as stepping outside for a few moments of deep, focused breathing in the fresh air. Inhale deeply, all the way to your belly – to a count of three and exhale to a count of three. Bring your attention to following the breath in and out or focus on the count. Take note of what you hear – birds chirping, a quiet breeze, trees rustling. Continue for at least 10 deep breaths before slowly blinking your eyes open.

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude
Everything comes down to gratitude. Even on your worst days, you can find gratitude. Can you feel your breath, your heartbeat? Do you have a home, fresh drinking water, and food? Write down at least three things you are grateful for. These are a privilege that we can be grateful for, even when it feels like everything else is slipping away from us.

Recognize These Feelings, Then Let Them Go
It is only human to have bad days. It is human to have bad thoughts. We can’t push these feelings aside or sweep them under the rug. That only makes them stronger, trust me. But we don’t have to live with them. When you feel the rumblings of the storm, acknowledge what you are experiencing. Then part ways by going through this list or finding anything that helps you get out of your head. Take it a day, even a moment, at a time, and know you will get through.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is easy to do. It can be done anywhere and is a great way to reduce stress within a few minutes. You might use muscle relaxation by itself, or combine it with other mind-body approaches.
Progressive muscle relaxation was developed to reduce the tension in your muscles. It can be used to decrease anxiety and stress that may be related to a certain medical condition. It also can be used to improve your concentration.

What Is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?
It is a technique that focuses on the slow, steady tensing of the muscle, followed by a slow relaxation of the muscle. Like meditation where you sit still to calm the body, PMR has a similar goal. However, PMR is different from meditation, in that the relaxation is accomplished through tensing and relaxing the different muscles.
This helps you identify what areas your stress is being stored in and release that tension. This can be helpful for those that are new to meditation or other relaxation techniques.

How To Do It?
Try to practice muscle relaxation with these two steps!
Step 1
Begin with your face, tighten the muscles around your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hold the tension and count to eight, exhale, and then allow your entire face to become loose. You are bringing oxygen to those tight muscles and then when you let the muscles go, they relax.
Step 2
Move down your body and tense each muscle separately. First tense your neck, then your jaw, and your shoulders, holding each set of muscles for eight seconds. Continue this to your chest, abdomen, arms, hands, butt, legs, and feet.
If you don’t have time then try targeting the areas you hold the most tension. The best way to do it is to target the larger muscles rather than the smaller muscles.
Health Benefits
Research on PMR treatment for certain conditions is growing. The research that has been done shows that it helps people of many ages with different types of health conditions. Here are some examples:
Anxiety and Stress
High Blood Pressure

How To Use Guided Meditation For Gratitude

Meditation is one of my favorite soul soothers, but I must confess, it can be so hard! Especially if you’re weathering a challenging season of life. Many of us will shy away from meditation because we want to avoid coming face-to-face with our fears and struggles. In all reality, this is when we need meditation the most. This was the first couple of months after being diagnosed with two chronic, invisible illnesses (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). Since I found my way back, I feel much more grounded and connected with myself.
Benefits of Meditation
 Appreciation for the present moment
Breathwork – full inhales and exhales
 Fully aware of my surroundings and how they affect me
Ability to calmly work through the discomfort
Mindful in action – speaking with others, eating, scheduling tasks and activities
Feeling lighthearted, peaceful, and calm
And much more
Prep and Tools
You can meditate by sitting in a comfortable seated position or laying on your back. If sitting, I recommend a pillow or meditation cushion to keep your back straight and tall. You can also enhance with essential oils – try an uplifting scent when feeling depressed or weighed down and grounding oils when feeling anxious or spacey. However, these are not required! Meditation simply asks for your attention and breath.

Guided Meditation
Guided meditations can help keep the mind from wandering, especially meditations that are designed to focus on a mantra, affirmation, or expression of gratitude. These meditations are led by a teacher who will talk you through the practice, offering instructions for relaxing parts of the body, often with music or nature sounds playing in the background. The teacher will guide you to follow their words or create a visual image in your mind. Guided meditations are perfect for all, whether you are a beginner or experienced.
Walking Meditation
Walking meditations are therapeutic, combining gentle movement with mindfulness. These are often practiced in nature, walking silently on a trail through the woods or along the shoreline. Take note of what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Allow your thoughts to pass without attaching to one in particular. Feelings of awe or wonder, gratitude, and appreciation often bubble up when giving such attention to nature. This meditation is helpful if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness is a type of meditation specifically designed to cultivate feelings of compassion, love, and acceptance. This practice has you repeat affirmations of loving-kindness towards yourself, loved ones, all people, and all beings. Affirmations can be some variation of:
“May I/my loved ones/all people/all beings be safe, happy, healthy, and free”.
Loving Kindness meditations can help resolve feelings of frustration or resentment, whether general or towards a particular person.
The beauty of meditation is there are a lot of varieties, so find one that works best for you. Even a few moments can make a big difference in your day and how you see the world around you. Do you practice meditation regularly? What is your favorite type?

Ten Aspects to Consider for Healthy Personal Growth

Healthy personal growth can be objective for each of us because it encompasses many different aspects of life. Since we are all in our own place on our healing journey, it becomes complicated to develop individually.
Repeating the same part of our process, many times we can get stuck in our own energy. It can be easier for us to remain in what feels convenient instead of stepping outside of our own comfort zone.
Here are ten things to consider for your own personal growth:
1. Effective Communication
Communication is the key to any relationship. Growing personally from it can only be done when it’s effective and honest. Learning to communicate constructively is possible for anyone. Listening is the most important part of effective communication.  To expand as a person, understanding others' viewpoints and speaking with empathy is a simple way to build from a conversation.
2. Introspection
Personal growth can only be done as an individual when you are ready to do the work necessary for internal balance. Introspection is the way to make sense of all that goes on within us. You must be open to doing your own research and intellectual growth. Also, it can be helpful when looking within oneself to realize that no one is perfect. Know that introspection is never intended to be easy, but it is definitely valuable to expansion.
3. Holding your ground
A strong disposition to handle anything life throws at you can be fully developed from standing your ground. Using meditation, visualizations, and affirmations are all methods that help you stand firmly within your own energy. Self-confidence comes from standing strong in your convictions and holding true to your beliefs.
4. Compassion
Consideration for others and having a nurturing nature are two things to consider for involving personally. We all know about it paying forward, but the act of compassion takes that concept to the next level. It's a deeper understanding of relating to others and more of an empathetic behavioral choice. Practicing compassion is a good way to healthy personal growth because it always leads to a feeling of self-fulfillment.
5. Living in the present
Living in the present is being able to embrace each moment in peace, without feeling the need to rush or reach for achievement. Understating divine timing can help let go of control issues. Many times individuals let ego-driven behavior prevent them from fully living in the truth of the moment. Everything is part of a bigger picture and certain aspects of everyone’s life are unpredictable, but divine timing is perfect. Aim to deal with what is in each moment, instead of what was or what could be, to open up your energy for healthy personal growth.
6. Self-Respect
It’s true that respect is always earned and never just handed to you. Self-respect works the same way and is built from experience. Developing self-respect comes from all the different trials in our lives. Like a diamond, it only forms from tons of pressure but is always uniquely brilliant. If you lack confidence, focusing on building your own form of self-respect is one positive way to grow.
7. Humbleness
Humbleness is the lack of self-entitlement. Nothing in life is promised.  So, embracing your own sense of humbleness will help you to appreciate everything around you. When you form an understanding that is based on humbleness you become more attractive to others. You will have a better chance of living up to your own potential.
8. Bravery
Pushing past your own personal fears is the key to having courage. Moving past your own comfort zone and doing what seems uneasy to you is a great way to grow personally. Sometimes just letting go of worry and anxiety is courageous. In a world full of setbacks, it’s brave to find your own internal sense of peace and security that can’t be taken away from you.
9. Flexibility
Being open-minded, easygoing, and able to adapt are all ways to be flexible. The more that you embrace flexibility in every situation in life, the more you have the opportunity for healthy internal growth. It can be a wonderful tool for removing stagnant energy within yourself and any blocks that may have previously held you back.
10. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is said to be more beneficial to the person who forgives than the one being excused. The act of forgiving clears any anger or resentment in your own energy. Also, it is important to consider forgiving yourself for things that you may be holding on to you. It is a great first step to healthy personal growth. Applying the act of forgiveness for yourself and others, along with implementing any of the other aspects of personal growth reviewed above- will certainly lead you down the right path to success!

Tips To Live A Healthier And Happier Life

Our day-to-day lives are often extremely busy and easy to get stuck in a rut, following the same hectic routine every day. This is especially true for women, who are usually responsible for juggling, not just a career, but also home and family obligations.
A fast-paced daily schedule can have many negative consequences for our stress levels, happiness, health, and well-being,
Luckily, you don’t need to devote a lot of time each day to improve your life. Small actions add up and can make a real difference in how you feel. All you need to do is snatch a few moments here and there, and try whichever of these practical tips appeals to you the most.
1. Take Five Holidays Every Day
Anything that takes you from your current setting (your work desk, household chores, etc.), even for just 5 minutes, will rejuvenate and refresh you, leaving you more clear-headed, energetic, productive, and positive. Aim to take 5-minute breaks at least 5 times a day to recharge. Go and make a cup of tea. Have a snack if you’re hungry. Check the plants in your garden.
 2. Clear Away The Mental Clutter
We all suffer from racing thoughts, mental to-do lists, and worries. Writing about things that are bothering you can help stop “mental clutter”. Putting pen to paper puts your problems into perspective. It also makes you feel calmer about any tasks that you need to do and feel more in control too.
A cluttered mind is often a stressed mind. So spend a few minutes daily writing down your plans, to-do list, or feelings. It will help you feel far more organized and efficient.
3. Take a Dip
Water has been proven for hundreds of years to have a calming and relaxing effect. Whenever you feel stressed, run water over your hands, and have a quick shower, or a bath.
If you prefer, look at images of water beautiful blue seas, or lakes and imagine yourself in the scene. Soothing pictures calm the mind, and body, and can have a meditative effect.
4. Take A Walk
Taking a walk is not only great exercise but also reconnects you to nature and your neighborhood, getting you out in the fresh air. All it takes is 5 minutes.
5. Switch On Some Music
Soothing background music can be wonderful when you are working or doing chores, as well as a great tool for helping you relax. Alternatively, you can choose an upbeat tune and dance around your home.
6. Daydream
A few minutes of daydreaming every day about something pleasant takes your mind off the stresses of the present moment and carries you off to other experiences. It is an effective way to rest and refresh your mind. A daydream is pretty much like a mental holiday and is great when you feel under pressure.
7. Read Something Inspirational
Reading something that is inspiring to you is a great way to start your day and help you refocus. It could be uplifting poetry, inspirational quotes, or affirmations.  Read anything that makes you feel enlivened and inspired. This is far better than starting your day by reading the doom and gloom reported in the daily news.
8. Love Your Pets Or Other People’s Pets
Pets are great.  They are wonderful for our health and happiness, giving us lots of unconditional love and companionship. If you don’t have your own pet, offer to take a friend’s dog for a walk every now and then.
Many people love watching videos of cute cats and dogs online to get their feel-good fix. Scientific research has proved that watching cat videos can make you happier and more productive afterward.
9. Breathe Properly
All too often we breathe too shallowly. This isn’t great for our health or mood, as it makes us feel tired and lethargic. Try to breathe more deeply, ensuring that your belly and your shoulders rise.  It is not only relaxing but a great way to feel refreshed.  Be careful to not breathe too deeply as this can make you dizzy.
10. Get Ready For Some Shut-Eye
Start to prepare for bed an hour or two before your set bedtime, so you can wind down and relax. Take a bath or drink herbal tea, turn off the television and computer, put down your mobile phone, and pick up a great novel instead. A good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to live a happier life.
11. Have A Laugh
We all know the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”. Laughter releases stress hormones and enhances our sense of well-being, making it great for our minds and body. Gather together a collection of your favorite comedy shows and moments, instead of watching the evening news, watch a funny show.
12. Light Up Your Space
Lighting candles is a great way to create a relaxing ambiance. This kind of soft lighting is very cozy and if you use aromatherapy or scented candles you can enhance the feeling of relaxation.
13. Stretch Yourself
Exercise is great for us but sometimes it is hard to find the time. If you are strapped for time and feel stressed, don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t exercise at that moment.
Instead, spend 5 minutes stretching your limbs. Lift up your arms and stretch out your legs and do some neck rolls. All of this can be done whilst still seated at your work desk. Stretching really helps to soothe sore, stiff muscles, and joints.
As you can see, it does not take a lot of time out of your daily routine to improve your life. And remember, prioritizing your well-being is always time well spent.

The Relationship Between Health and Wellness

Health and wellness are often used interchangeably, though the concepts do have some variances that deserve recognition. But what is the difference between health and wellness and how can you actively work to achieve both? Find out the pressing questions regarding wellness vs health here!

When people think of health and wellness, they often combine and use them interchangeably.
However, the two concepts are quite variable, though you cannot really have one without the other. Here are some reasons why, but first, we will outline what each stands for.

What Are Health and Wellness?

Understanding health vs wellness begins by isolating their respective definitions:

The Definitions of Health and Wellness

Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Furthermore, the primary determinants of health include social, economic, and physical environments, along with the person’s individual characteristics and behaviors without distinction of race, religion, political belief, or economic or social condition.
Then, "What is wellness?" you may ask?
The WHO defines wellness as "the optimal state of health of individuals and groups" and is also expressed as "a positive approach to living." And according to Merriam-Webster, wellness is "the quality of state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought goal."
Cohesively, wellness is an active and dynamic process of change and growth to reach one’s fullest potential and aims to enhance overall well-being. Wellness is also comprised of eight different components, including emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual wellness.
The Difference Between Health vs Wellness (and Why It Matters)
According to health and wellness definitions, wellness has a direct influence on overall health, which is essential for living a healthy, happy, and fulfilled life. The primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it.
Knowing the distinction between the two matters for several reasons, including recognizing while we cannot always choose the state of our health, we do have the conscious choice to make active decisions toward wellness. The following scenarios can help you better grasp heath vs wellness:
• Health: A predisposition to heart disease, diagnosis of type I diabetes at an early age, or an unexpected brain injury.
• Wellness: Making the choice to eat a balanced diet, exercise more often and schedule regular doctor visits.
Furthermore, most people attribute achieving a set number on the scale dictates health, yet as previously highlighted, you cannot truly have health without first achieving wellness. So before setting your own goals for health, ask what you really want out of your newly sought transformation and consider:
• Why do you truly want to lose weight?
• How will making positive changes impact your life?
• Are you doing it for yourself or trying to satisfy others?
• Is this a short-term or long-term goal?
• Which areas in your life do you want to focus on?
• What sort of support system do you have?
Ultimately, knowing what you truly want from health and wellness can help drive a personal plan that works best for you.

Tips to Improve Health and Wellness

Whereas you can make a target weight loss and health goal, sustainability relies on actively improving the different components of wellness. These tips can help nurture an ongoing basis:

1. Eat Whole Foods

While diet tends to be primarily viewed to impact physical condition, food has a well-understood link between food and mental health, including boosting memory and improving mood.
A natural way to ensure adequate nutrients is by consuming whole foods rather than boxed and processed products. Comprise the diet of whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean and plant-based proteins, and healthy fat sources.
Include whole foods in the diet, as each meal is balanced with adequate protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber, and healthy fat to not only support a healthy weight but gift the body with nutrients it requires for optimal health support healthy weight alleviate the stress of meal prep.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise stimulates a healthy mind and body and the American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity weekly.
But you can also break away from the monotony of a structured workout regimen, as the highest importance is dismissing a sedentary lifestyle. Increase activity in your day by walking the dog, hiking with friends, and taking the steps over an elevator.
Walking and biking whenever possible not only emboldens both physical and mental health but supports environmental wellness by reducing fuel emissions.

3. Embrace Mental Exercise, Too

Most people do not consider mental exercises when they are trying to get fit physically, but these types of activities can actually help you achieve your goals more sufficiently and boost brain power!
Tackling daily brain exercises helps support intellectual wellness while practicing yoga or other combinations of mental and physical activities can help promote a better attitude toward weight loss.

4. Achieve Quality Sleep

Sleep is important for your mind and body, as it strengthens memory and concentration, lowers stress intensities, increases daily energy, diminishes cravings, and regulates hunger levels.
Sleep your way to such benefits by taking short power naps as needed and getting a full night’s rest regularly. The National Sleep Foundation encourages healthy adults to sleep seven to nine hours of quality on a nightly basis.
If struggling to achieve the recommended hours of sleep each night, create a bedtime routine by staying consistent with bedtimes, powering down from electronics, evaluating your room environment, and practicing relaxation techniques.

5. Take a Day of Rest

In addition to achieving adequate sleep on a nightly basis, allow yourself days of rest and recovery.
Make sure to take one day out of the week to do something spontaneous or plan out a weekend trip you can look forward to, as doing so makes make the whole "dieting" process more enjoyable. (And life should be enjoyed!)
Even if you cannot get away every weekend, make sure you do small things that you love on your day off. This could be something as simple as going for a leisurely stroll, taking a walk in the park, or spending an evening relaxing at a movie.

6. Bask in Social Support

Social circles and support networks are invaluable for overall well-being and a sense of purpose.
A 75-year study discovered good relationships keep us happier and healthier, though the data is not so surprising. We as humans need to feel connected to others is one of our basic needs that need to be met.
Form and turn to your strongest supporters, including family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. You can likewise get them involved in your wellness journey by inviting them over for a home-cooked meal or exercise class.

7. Enjoy the Journey

While you can make a target weight loss and health goal, sustainability relies on actively going through the different components of wellness.
And rather than feeling overwhelmed with large feats alone, take on small tasks, re-strategize as needed, surround yourself with positive people, embrace the journey, and enjoy the process of achieving personal fulfillment and wellness!

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